Pretty much the only day there is time to make a great breakfast at our house is on Saturday morning. I don't usually plan this in advance. The only time I do that is for a holiday. I'm sure I'll make Poppyseed Bread and Sugar Plumb Bacon for Easter. When I plan for a regular Saturday, it's usually to buy some crusty sourdough in order to make French Toast. My fallback recipes are usually baking powder biscuits, bacon and eggs. I have posted the biscuit recipe on here ages ago. I was looking at the recipes at Williams-Sonoma. They make me wish I had thought of this when I was at the store at 3 instead of at 10:30 p.m. There are many elaborate recipes on their site, but I probably would've picked one of these.

Sour Cream Coffee Cake

Bacon and Cheddar Omelet for 6
(although we only have 2)

French Toast
Don't they all look good? You can find these simple recipes here. What are you having for breakfast on Saturday?
These pictures are making me hungry! Yummy!