
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Saturday Breakfast

Pretty much the only day there is time to make a great breakfast at our house is on Saturday morning. I don't usually plan this in advance. The only time I do that is for a holiday. I'm sure I'll make Poppyseed Bread and Sugar Plumb Bacon for Easter. When I plan for a regular Saturday, it's usually to buy some crusty sourdough in order to make French Toast. My fallback recipes are usually baking powder biscuits, bacon and eggs. I have posted the biscuit recipe on here ages ago. I was looking at the recipes at Williams-Sonoma. They make me wish I had thought of this when I was at the store at 3 instead of at 10:30 p.m. There are many elaborate recipes on their site, but I probably would've picked one of these.

Sour Cream Coffee Cake
Bacon and Cheddar Omelet for 6
(although we only have 2)

French Toast

Don't they all look good?  You can find these simple recipes here.  What are you having for breakfast on Saturday?

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