Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lot of Irons

I really haven't been blogging much lately and I'm not really sure why. There just doesn't seem much of anything interesting to say.  I also think Pinterest has sucked away some of my blogging time.  I could use Pinterest pictures and I have.  It just doesn't seem right to do that all the time.  I do have a lot of "irons in the fire" at the moment.  They're all enjoyable. Here's a little of what is going on.
I'm SO excited that plants are going in this week! We had some delays and the driveway has been repaired.  So, we're on to the next phase.  YAY! Then we're going to stop for awhile. 

I've been playing with these workshops recently too.  I just started 2.0 last night.

Also I'm getting started on a big ladies retreat in April.  Here's a little peak at one of the goodies.

Finally, these two are coming for a visit this week! Can't wait! I better start cleaning the guest room!


  1. You have a lot keeping you busy, Karen. I am excited to see your landscaping all finished up! Have fun with your company...those have to be your parents! ;-D


  2. Hope your going to share a new picture of how your yard looks now with the plants. Look forward to seeing it.



Thanks so much for stopping by for a visit. Please say hello while you are here. It would be so wonderful to meet you.


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