Sunday, April 4, 2010

He is Risen Indeed!

I hope you had a lovely Easter Day. Maybe you wore your new Easter bonnet to church, or got up early for a Sunrise service.  Maybe the little ones at your house were very excited to collect Easter eggs or you enjoyed special family moments together. We enjoyed a beautiful service this morning (not sunrise, no thank you), a lovely lunch and our traditional movie, Ben Hur.  It was a peaceful, restful day.  He is Risen Indeed!  


  1. Ben Hur is one of my faves. Along with Spartacus and 10 commandments. Gotta love those epics
    Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter.

  2. How lucky we are to have these old photos. Who is this adorable little one in her Easter coat and hat, Karen? Today's paper had a couple of articles about Easter egg hunts at several churches around the city. A little five year old insisted on black and white for her outfit! We also had an Easter Parade on Saturday.

    Ben Hur was one of the first movies that I remember seeing in a theater.

  3. karen is that you in the picture?! no way, must be your mother? or grandmother? love old photos!! here's to peace and rest...sounds good :0)


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