
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

So many photos, so little time

It doesn't help that I LOVE taking photos here and am doing my best to improve.  Today I'm just showing you some random photos from exploring close by.  I have pictures from a Kyoto trip, but that deserves a post all it's own.  My husband and I explored around Nagoya castle in order for him to see the Sakura blossoms a few weeks ago in April.  When you're working all day and getting home in the dark, it's hard to see some of this natural beauty.  Not to even mention that he's out of the country a lot. The Sakura (cherry) were almost finished blooming, but we found a few still going strong in Meijo Park which is next to the castle grounds.  

This guy was getting quite a workout on his bouncy band.  I'm going to try to post a video of it.  

On a different day, a friend and I explored a local shrine that we were walking by called Atsuta Shrine.  The grounds were much larger than we realized and absolutely beautiful.  

 The gardenia trees were HUGE and the ground was covered with blossoms.
I guess you can tell that I love taking pictures of flowers.  I'm in a private FB group for local photographers.  Recently there was a challenge to take pictures of wisteria.  One day, I set out to find some.  Here are a few pictures from that search.  Boy, it sure smells amazing.  
 I just couldn't resist a photo of this cute dog.  He wasn't on a leash and was having the best time.

A very typical scene, here.  

Okay, one more flower excursion.  

 These lovely girls were my exploring companions that day.

And there you have it!  More excursions and more flowers!  Thank you all for sticking around.  I have more to show, I really do!  Have a great weekend.  (It's Thursday here).  


  1. oh. my.
    what a feast for the eyes!!!

  2. You can never post too many flower pics for me. I take 100's of them & never tire of them. Just beautiful.

  3. Well, they sure are lovely--flowers and pics. I've got time to look if you've got time to post them. Thank you!

  4. Pretty flowers and pretty ladies.

    Happy Mother's Day!!

    M : )


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