
Monday, April 11, 2016

Sakura in Yoshino

A week ago, Saturday, we traveled 3 hours by train each way to visit Yoshino which is known for it's beautiful Sakura trees.  It was so beautiful.   We went with my friend Joya who is also an expat, but with the added benefit that she speaks Japanese.  We traveled by Shinkansen (bullet train) and two other trains south of Kyoto to Yoshino.  We thought it might be really busy because it was the height of Sakura bloom season.  Fortunately the weather wasn't very good, so I think the crowds were lower.

We waited until the sun hit the lonely tree on the hillside to capture this picture.  
It glowed in the sunlight.  

It took me a few shots before the bird posed just right for me.

I like mossy stone walls.

Volunteers along the path.

Sakura covered the hill sides.

We were given paper flags when we were leaving because a member of the Royal family (supposedly the Prince) was arriving.  There was a large welcoming crowd and we had to ask what was going on.  Unfortunately he didn't arrive before we left on the train.  If you ever plan on visiting Japan definitely make it in April.  It may be crowded, but it is worth it.


  1. So beautiful! I'm sure the pictures cannot capture it.

    Are Sakura trees the same thing we call Japanese cherry trees? They aure are beautiful.

  2. Totally missed this post.

    Beautiful pictures. the trees look snow capped.So

    M : )

  3. Finally back to full internet service here in the boondocks... Such a spectacular post! The beauty seemed endless. Julie

  4. sakura .. this is new to me - they're beautiful!
    honestly, i had no idea the beauty of Japan.
    admitting to complete and utter ignorance, i thought
    Japan was one cement jungle. thank you for opening
    my eyes!


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