
Monday, September 15, 2014

Women of Faith - 2014

We went to our yearly visit to Women of Faith this weekend. What a wonderful time we had.  The theme for their conference was "Survival to Revival". 

 We took off with the Survival theme and planned our tailgate party around a tropical survivor theme.
 We made ham and pineapple skewers, spinach salad with strawberries, along with mango and grapes.
One of my team made individual pineapple upside-down cakes. Aren't they adorable? They were delicious. I found the instructions for the easy pineapple gift bags on The House That Lars Built. They were a big hit. We made "survival kits" as gifts for our ladies. I found the instructions at Positively Splendid.  

 Here is my awesome team!
We heard awesome teaching from Lysa Terkeurst, Lisa Harper, Christine Caine, Patsy Clairmont, Lisa Bevere, and Sheila Walsh.  We enjoyed two concerts from Natalie Grant and Matthew West. You should check out Women of Faith when it comes to your area.  

1 comment:

  1. Looks like another fun sorie.

    The gift bags are adorable!

    M : )


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