
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Family Wedding

I know I promised to fill you in on our other activities this summer.  Our youngest daughter came home for a few days in August.  One big event that week was a family wedding. First we went to a single "A" baseball game. Which always ends in fireworks. Cell phone pictures of fireworks are blurry, unfortunately. 

 We ended up having to go shopping before the wedding.  "Hunky Husband" forgot all his nice clothes at our apartment.  We had to entertain ourselves in the men's department for a little while.
 He got a little tickled at one of his own jokes at lunch.  Actually, more than a little tickled.  
The wedding was beautiful but on a very hot day. 

 This is my Aunt and Uncle.  They are the bride's grandparents.
 My cousin and his beautiful daughter walking down the aisle.  I wish I could've taken a picture of her guy.  What an amazing reaction he had.  It was so sweet.  
 This is the bride's Momma and my youngest girl, hanging out afterwards during the photo session.

This beautiful reception was in their back yard. They did an amazing job!

What a special evening.  I promise that I'll be back. 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to the newlyweds!

    Looks like a lovely wedding with a
    lovely venue.

    M : )


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