I found this old, very old, ancient photo of me knitting at my Grandparents house probably about 4th grade or so. I wish I had kept this up all these years. I again took a knitting class in about 1986 when we lived for one year in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Now that was a place to take up knitting! Way back then, the knitting shop was so fabulous. Which was unusual. I was enthralled with fibers even then. I'll have to pull out the "lovely" fushia colored vest I made. I know I have it somewhere. Then I stopped knitting again. Until about 2000, when skinny scarves came back with a vengeance. I knew my girls would again, wear something I had made. Since then I have been fairly consistent with my knitting. Although, it has taken a back seat to moving and blogging. Just think how amazing my talents would be if I had kept it up all the way from the 4th grade! It's never too late to try, try again.
such a CUTE picture! i see you were sporting a darling short cut back then too...... i did not know you had dark brown hair.
p.s. i left a comment on your last post, but i don't see it? hmmmm
That's my girl! What a cutie. She didn't get her photogenic tendencies from her mother - that's for sure. She still has them and it's quite a few years later. ;0)