

Hi, I'm Karen.  Welcome to Elderberry Street.  Who am I?  What a question!  I started ES as a hobby, to show my decorating, crafting and travel escapades.  I'm not here to make money or promote a business.  I'm here to connect with other likeminded people.  My family is also across the country and this gives them a way to visually keep up with me.  I am a Christian, mother of two adult girls and supporter of my very busy husband of 35 years.  I lead a weekly neighborhood Bible Study, lead our church's Women's Ministries among other responsibilities.  I love photography, knitting, decorating, antiquing, gardening, Instagram and of course, blogging.  

Here on Elderberry Street you'll find antiquing and thrifting, crafting, knitting, some cooking (that's slowing down these days).  There will be a little travel here and there.  I'm on the search for my inner artist.  I know she's in there somewhere.  I lead a great team of women to create wonderful events for the ladies of our church.  You will find those projects and events as well.  

** as of 9/1/15 we have moved to Nagoya, Japan for my husband's job. Most of my current posts will be about our adjustment to this new culture and my attempt to learn and make new friends.

Our girls are wonderful young women, but live too far away. Now super, duper far.

 Jeff and Lauren
Buddy moved away too! 
Thanks for visiting. Please come back and visit and say hello!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen,
    I happened upon your blog just before Christmas and love it! You have so many beautiful photos and put such a positive spin on things. I retired about a year ago and discovered 'blogs'. I have been spending time (sometimes too much time) on the computer looking for interesting, creative minded people and you are definitely one of those. Thank you for the wonderful inspirations.

    Mary Lea L., Toledo, OH


Thanks so much for stopping by for a visit. Please say hello while you are here. It would be so wonderful to meet you.