
Sunday, July 13, 2014


 I woke up Friday to this lovely, foggy view. 
The day started with another fun antique outing.  This time they used a travel theme.  I've really got to move my stack of suitcases tomorrow.  Wouldn't they be perfect with my globes, bus route sign and travel pictures?

 Pretty in pink.
 I wish I could've captured how beautiful this gown was.  It is sitting inside a MASSIVE armoir.  They've placed the mirrored doors inside and hung a little chandelier inside.  It was stunning, but very difficult to photograph with a phone.
 I loved this little Paris crown, but didn't need it.  
A couple of other crowns I looked at were E X P E N S I V E.  Who needs a crown anyway?  
 If you have a media room, this would be a great addition. I'm pretty sure my Papaw had one of these.

 Look at this beautiful collection of windows! The chandelier isn't too bad either.
Somebody bought the two arched ones while I was standing there.  
I only went home with these two yo-yos.  Silly, I know.  I use to love playing with yo-yos  Did you?

1 comment:

  1. I thought I left a comment here. Guess not.
    Those shops look like fun places!
    Yes, I played with Yo-Yos when I was little.

    M : )


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