
Saturday, May 3, 2014


I can't even begin to go into all that has been going on over here in the last two or three weeks.  It's been crazy and scary all at the same time.  It began with a health scare that I had and finally got news this past Thursday that all is well.  I felt pretty confident that it would be, but you just never know.

In the mean time I found myself in the middle of some "He said, She said" kind of drama.  I was trying to clarify and help a situation and ended up being quoted incorrectly.  Oh my goodness.  That took several days to iron out.  I try to be very careful what I repeat and how I word things.  You just can't control how somebody hears what you say and how they repeat it.  Good grief that was frustrating!!

Then, let's see if I can remember all of it. . .

The day I had my UltraSound done, my husband called with news that Toyota was moving HQ to Texas.  We couldn't say a word to ANYONE for almost a week.  He had signed a non-disclosure agreement and we were to keep our mouths SHUT.

I also had some drama with a contractor that was working on the house.  Can you believe that some people still don't have email and texting capabilities and have a business?  Seriously?  It caused for some confusion and again, miscommunication.  And a little irritation on my part, if you know what I mean.

Still keeping mouth SHUT.

We had the panic alarm on our house go off while at church.  Evidently police were dispatched.

We got a phone call from a lawyer asking if we knew "so and so" who had leaked some Toyota info early.  He has a similar name to ours.  There was some panic going on around here for a while. And, no, we do not know "so and so".

Then my husband's fancy experimental hydrogen vehicle that he had driven home would not start.  The battery was dead and we couldn't get it charged for the longest time.  These last three were all on a Sunday.

Then Monday came.  The press release finally came out and I could talk now.  So, I was on the phone most of Monday explaining to friends and family about a potential move.  If you've followed me for any length, you know we moved into our dream home three years ago.  Well, it's really my husband's dream home.  I love it to.  But, he LOVES it.  I think it's more the view and the hills and the forest down the street.

You also may know that we've just finished our yard.  So recently in fact, that I haven't even been able to post pictures of the back yard completely because of scaffolding that should be going down this next week!  Yippee!

Then worst of all my Mother in Law had a heart attack last week.  She has had a stent and there are more to come this week.  She is out of ICU and if all goes well, will come home next Friday.  We are confident that God has this under control as well.  So, if you pray, please breathe a prayer of healing for her if you think of it.

Okay, I have never written a post without a lot of pictures.  So, here are some obligatory pictures to make this long story more attractive.  Spring in my front yard.

Also, my birthday was in there somewhere.  I opened my Bible App that day and the verse for the day was from Proverbs 16:9 NKJV

"A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."

I made a page in my journal just as a reminder.

Maybe you need this reminder too.


  1. Too many things piled up on you dear lady. I pray that everything moves smoothly on all fronts. Especially you mother in law. Hugs to you and Belated Happy Birthday. Di@Cottage-Wishes

  2. For heaven's sake what a week! All I can say is these kinds of times come in seasons & I hope when the hard things pass you can look back & see some good in them as well.

  3. YAY!!! I'm so happy to hear that the results of your test were good! Such a relief, huh?!

    I'm glad to hear your mother-in-law is doing better too. I'll keep praying for her.

    Wow! You've had a lot going on!!!

    Yeah...communication sure can be tough....the whole understanding/misunderstanding thing. It's so weird how we think we're being so clear but can be heard so differently. I guess it's part of life. Ugh!

    I hope things calm down a bit for you. Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend! Hugs!

    Your yard is shaping up really nicely!

  4. I am new to your blog so it's so nice to meet a Christian sister. I am so sorry you have had so much hard stuff going on but hopefully most of it has come to an end. I will pray for your mother in law and so glad your tests came out for good. I know about the moving thing and thinking you are all settled but I have found that God only opens doors that are good. I will look forward to hearing more about this adventure.....

  5. Wowzer!

    A lot going on i. your world! Glad you are good, hope your mother- in-law
    comes home soon and interesting news about your hubby.
    Hope you had a great birthday.

    M : )

  6. After reading your post, my first thought was: when it rains, it pours. Keep your chin up. Things will get better. Also, I must admit that I'm one of those business people who still don't have email and texting capabilities. Yes, we're in the dark ages, and I'm looking into getting a smartphone. Feels good to be unplugged though sometimes.

  7. Oh Karen...I am just coming by to wish you a happy Mother's Day...and I just read all of your bad news...I hope by now things are better for you and I am sending prayers your way dearest.


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