
Friday, March 28, 2014

Oh the Possibilities

The cutting garden possibilities are laid out before me.  In order to not get in over my head, I'm trying to start small.  I'm also trying to think ahead, "what would I want to use in the house"? Zinnia's of course.  I planted some from seed, then I gave in and bought some from the nursery. How could I resist these happy colors?
Here is a great article about picking plants for a cutting garden from the Gardenista.

I would love to be able to make pretty arrangements like these.
I did plant a dahlia and am planning on some Nasturtiums.  
This picture makes me want to plant bleeding heart.  I don't think I could plant Lily of the Valley out here, but, the bleeding heart is one of my favorite perennials. Kelley has a beautiful garden and writes interesting gardening posts on The Polished Pebble.  Sharon Lovejoy also has a gardening blog.  She is a well known gardening author. Does anyone know of wonderful gardening blogs?  I'd love any suggestions.  


  1. I am planning to put out more cutting plants this year too. Putting them in a jar is my favorite thing to do in the summer time. :)

  2. I can't wait to start planting. We bought potatoes and onions
    on Saturday. It is not warm wnought yet here so we will have to wait.

    Your flowers are so pretty!

    M :)


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