
Sunday, January 19, 2014

What's Old is New Again

One of my favorite things to do is go antiquing. Of course, it's not that I really need anything, nothing in fact. I think I need to start a new policy, one thing in means one thing goes out. Speaking of which, I have a huge donation pile that I need to get rid of this week.  That's on my to-do list.  

My husband had a meeting in San Diego recently. I joined him for the drive there and back and had a couple of hours to do what I wanted while he was in his meeting. Originally I thought I'd go to the big mall that is close by. Then I decided to find the architectural salvage store that I knew was in Downtown, San Diego. It is called Architectural Salvage, big surprise. Parking is the trickiest part. I took a few photos while I was browsing.  

 Aren't these windows beautiful?

This past week my friend Kathy and I went to what we thought was going to be a thrift store.  Once we arrived, we realized it was really an Antique Mall.  Prices were not as good as a thrift store, but it was huge and we enjoyed searching for "treasure".

 I thought this dress was lovely.  Kathy said she wore one just like it on her first date with her husband.  
 Wouldn't this hold a lot of craft supplies?
Wouldn't this Unicycle would be great hanging on a wall, especially since it was missing the back pedal?  It would be a fun piece of art.
If I hadn't already gathered plenty of things, these two platters would have gone home with me.  
They were really pretty.
These were my favorite finds!  My mother had these beautiful bird prints when I was a teenager.  Hers had robins-egg blue mats around them and were framed larger.  Years later when I asked for them, I found out that she had given them away. I was very excited to find the set at the antique mall.  I snapped those babies up immediately.  I'm contemplating reframing them, but, that will cost A LOT! Have you ever discovered a long lost treasure while antiquing?  It makes it all worth it, doesn't it?


  1. Fun! I love Architectural Salvage in SD! I'm always amazed at the huge amount of old hardware they have, how organized they are, and how they have all kinds of do-dads and know how to create things with the finds you buy. I bought a bunch of old door knobs and stuff years ago and they had little mounting things to use so I could attach them to a board. They even have old screws. I want to go back again. Haven't been there in years. Where's the new thrift shop/antique mall?

  2. Looks like fun! We have salvage place here in Downtown,
    I keep wanting to go but we never get there!
    If you are feeling crafty, stop by and check out my current post.

    PS: I like th frame on your prints.

    M :)

  3. I would happily get lost in that place! thanks for sharing the pics.


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