
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Kid Visit

Our youngest daughter came to visit last weekend. She came to attend a wedding of a college friend and spend a little time with us. We all stayed at the teeny, weeny apartment for the weekend. It was her first time there.  It's not terribly exciting, but it was a beautiful weekend.  
One of the things she wanted to do the most was visit Gilding the Lily in Fullerton. I was happy to oblige.

 Saturday morning we had breakfast at the beach, then walked along the pier and watched the surfers.

 This guy was a showoff.

 Lesson learned:  poofy shirt with horizontal stripes makes you look poofy.  Oh well.
Then we headed to a local mall for some shopping. They also have an indoor ice arena. Little people lessons were going on.
She headed to her wedding and we headed to a Veteran's Charity Event.  It was a concert for the veterans that are housed in the LA Veteran's hospital and the proceeds for the event support The Fisher House organization.  Fisher House hosts families of soldiers while they are in the hospital.

 The next day, I got the big idea to head to the Rose Bowl Flea Market.  So did everybody else.
 It was pretty hot and pretty busy. I didn't take too many pictures. I was intent on shopping. Although, I didn't buy much either.
 I wish I had a cabinet that needed these green glass knobs that look like Jadeite.  
Any and every piece of vintage or just plain worn piece of clothing was there to be had. If you are so inclined to dig, that is.
And there she goes.  I'm actually shocked that I got this picture of her.  She doesn't like her picture to be taken and it was a "get your hair up and out of the way" day. We had a fast and fun visit. Wish her sister could do the same. I'm packing this week for a fun business trip. I can guarantee some photos will show up here.Have a good week everybody! See you soon.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I've been out there for a few years. I can't even remember...


Thanks so much for stopping by for a visit. Please say hello while you are here. It would be so wonderful to meet you.