
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Women of Faith 2013

The Women of Faith Conference came to Anaheim again this year.  We had AWESOME seats for a change, first row instead of top row. We took 30 women from our church.  There were incredible musicians like Mercy Me, Kari Jobe and Jamie Grace. The speakers were Rick Warren, Lisa Harper, Ann Voskamp, Lysa Terkeurst, Anita Renfroe to name a few. Whew, that was a bunch of links. They are really doing a great job of relating to younger women. I love this picture of thousands of women worshiping together, and this isn't even HALF of the stadium!!
 We had our annual Tailgate Party for our ladies. This is a picture of my wonderful counsel.
You can see our CELEBRATE banner above us.
 Renee and her talented daughter, Jenny, made lucious Macarons for dessert.
 My friend Kathy and I.  Hi, Kathy!
 Part of our group. We've got this down to a system, let me tell you!

Of course we made gifts for everyone.  We chose a Celebrate theme this year and made little banner sets for everyone.  They were all different and you can use them for many different occasions.

They were a big hit.
Have you ever been to Women of Faith?  If not, I encourage you to go.


  1. Thanks for the shout out Karen. This is the first time I have left a comment on your wonderful blog. It is beautiful. Keep posting!

  2. Looks like a wonderful Women's event.

    M :)


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