
Monday, August 19, 2013

It Takes Time

I've lived in this house for two and a half years now.  Some decorating decisions come easy, some not.  I like everything I've done in my powder room, but there was still so much blankness. Here is the BEFORE look. I already had the framed pictures and yes, it was a bird theme. What should I do on the wall above the toilet? A mirror was no good, since I found the vintage one at a thrift store for over the sink, I didn't need any more mirrors. I started a collection of cuckoo clocks to add to that wall.  But, cuckoo clocks have hanging pendulums. That doesn't work well with a toilet below. You have seen me use some of my vintage music this past Christmas. I also used love songs for Valentine's Day, but didn't post it, evidently.   
 Not only is the music beautiful but the artwork on the title page is extraordinary.  

 This music is printed, but looks handwritten to me. I couldn't find a date on it.
Then the brainstorm hit! I bought 11 x 14 Threshold frames from Target, on sale, mind you. I decided I wanted a tight grid format.  All I had to do was use putty to stick the music to the already included mat board.  Four just wasn't right to me. So, back to Target I went.

 Six is much better, I think.
I think music ties in nicely with the birds.  The cuckoo clocks may still find a spot.  
It remains to be seen.  Time will tell. 

Join me for all of the vintage creativity at Knick of Time Tuesday and Mod Mix Monday.


  1. It looks great! Don't you love projects like that? easy and so rewarding. :-)

  2. I love vintage sheet music! It looks great in your bathroom!

  3. love hoe you did the music and the birds.
    Love the tightness and look of the 4 in the bathroom.

    be blessed

  4. I like this so much. arranging them close together is such a nice effect. Enjoy, T

  5. love it!! and six is much better. also, love how cute you look in your darling dress!

  6. Love the six frames. Also, the songs/song bird theme is perfect. You have a wonderful eye for decoration and design. I love it.

    You are blessed, and therefore I am blessed to know you are my very own daughter.

    Love the pic of you and Ken also - wonderful laughs. I pray your life will be full of them. Mom

  7. I love antique sheet music, and turning them into wall art is a great idea! I'm featuring you tonight at Knick of Time Tuesday - thanks for sharing!

  8. Oh my goodness, my Grandmother used to have that same Green Book and I used to pour through it when we would visit. I'd forgotten all about it until I saw your photo! Thank you for bringing back a wonderful memory!


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