Saturday, July 14, 2012

Oil Cloth Project

If you've been to Elderberry Street very often you've noted that when I really get my craftiness going, it's usually to make gifts for ladies from our church.  I'm in charge of our Women's Ministries and I do love to make pretty things for them.  I bought a bunch, and I mean a bunch of oilcloth Thursday to make new gifties for them come the September Women of Faith conference.  If you remember, last year I made these personalized bags for everyone. You can see some my posts of our fun event, here, and here.
I'm not going to give the secret away, yet.  But I've been doing some Pinterest research. Because where else could I do such important research? Here are some cute things people have done with oil cloth.

I'm not going to give it away in case one of them happens to check out this post.  Just so you know, they're going to LOVE it! 
BTW, I'm not feeling the gray paint samples.  UGH.


  1. I'm really liking the purse but maybe not with that pattern.
    Gray can be a hard one to pick shades of kind of like yellow. It can look so different during the day. I did paint a wall in the guest room for a change but I wasn't sure it was right either.
    I'm sure they will love their gifts.


  2. I love oil cloth! never used it but I would love to play with it soon. Ciao Rita

  3. I can see several rifs on that clutch theme--just yesterday I was looking for a large envelope to organize travel materials.

    Love it when you're getting ready for a Women of Faith meeting--the gifts, table decorations, food. Great ideas. Do you know Luci Swindoll--her speaking, books? I admire her so much--her sense of adventure, zest for learning, and sense of humor.


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