
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Yummy Low-Fat Tacos

cooking light

I made these yummy chicken tacos tonight for the first time.  They were easy and very good.   You can find these tacos at Cooking Light right here.  Homemade salsa is a requirement at our house.  Here's how I make it.

Homemade Salsa

15 ish Roma Tomatoes
1 red onion
1 green pepper
1 tomatillo
1 jalapeno
cilantro (to taste)
1 lime, juiced
1 tbl salt

You can use these in varying quantities.  If you don't want as much onion, half it.  I always cut out most of the Jalapeno seeds.  I chop half of the tomatoes by hand.  The rest of the ingredients through Cilantro I process in a food processor.  Add to chunky tomatoes, then add the lime juice and 1 tbl of salt to finish.  Start with less salt and add if you like it saltier.  It is a requirement to taste test it as you go.  


  1. Yum! Those tacos look soooo good! And, mmmmm...fresh salsa! :-)'

  2. Yummy, those look delicious! Thanks for dropping by. For my blogs design, I credit gosuBlogger, linked at the bottom of my blog.
    It's called Notepad Chaos Glad you like it.

  3. They look delicious. A perfect light dinner after a very heavy weekend!


  4. I just bought my hubby a food processor and we are always looking for recipes, especially salsa ones. Thanks for this and it looks wonderful
    Blessing T


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