
Thursday, March 26, 2009

More Cute Aprons

Okay, now I don't look as cute in this as the models below, but I wanted you to see a "real" body in these fun aprons.  I bought this one specifically to coordinate with my daughter's bridal shower last August that I FLEW to Kansas City to give.  Who knows what I was doing or saying in this photo.  I usually talk with my hands. 

Why not look adorable while you're cooking?  Who says you have to be all forlorn and stained? Actually maybe nobody says that.  I was just thinking it's always good to try to look as cute as possible and especially at home.  I think these aprons are just the cutest things.  I really like mine.  
Now I don't look quite as flirty as the name suggests.  They are called the Flirty Everyday Housewife Apron.  Nor do I look as cute as this young girl who models them.  
But, they are fun to wear and protect clothing as needed.  

I bought my apron last August off of Etsy and I love it.  I wanted to share these adorable aprons with you today.  You can find them here.  


  1. I think you look quite flirty and fabulous! Love the apron! What a sweet mom to color co-ordinate her apron with a special celebration!

  2. Very cute! I especially like the one in the second picture from the top. Adorable! I want one! :-)

  3. Dont kid look adorable in your apron. It is extremely flattering on you!

  4. These are so cute and you look so cute in yours.

    I wonder if I could find unique, not so cute and flirty, ones for my hubby. He is the cook. Loves it, it's his passion.

    I'm gonna have to do a search on that.

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  5. this site has really cute aprons and they are practical too. You can wipe your hands on the towel.

  6. These are super cute! You look very chic~ I'm in need of a new one...I still have the little white with red polka dots, ruffled one my grandma sewed for me when I was 4 - too bad it doesn't fit!

  7. oooooo... those are so cute!! I never wear aprons though. Daisy~

  8. I love these aprons! Thanks for sharing these great ideas. I'm going to try to make one soon, so you have given me inspiration!


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