
Monday, September 8, 2008

Food and Knitting

This was my initial destination, Purl. It's a tiny, but fabulous knitting store. Lots of beautiful inspiration and courteous help.

One of our accidental finds on the streets of SoHo was DEAN & DELUCA. I've heard of them but never been in one. It's a fabulous grocery store. I only got pictures of the wonderful olive bar and breads. There was SO MUCH to take in, beautiful vegetables and flowers, cheeses, pastries, seafood, meat market and on and on. It was obviously a very popular place among the locals.


  1. Oh yes I did. ;-) That is to be my next post. I can't figure out how to move pictures around once I've downloaded them onto my post. I'm not sure if I'm just inept, or blogger is not too helpful. Any ideas? The pictures always load at the top of the page and there's not adjusting them later. Argh!

  2. Thanks for stopping by! Dean and Deluca is the best! Used to get there once every 2-3 years - love it!

    Karen I load my pictures before I type. Then I type on top of or under them. It's easier that way. or go into HTML and then you can cut and paste the code for the picture and place it where you want.

  3. Oh, your trip just looks fabulous. Slightly envious.
    Thanks for the pics so I can share it to.

  4. The turquoise storefront is lovely! Adore Dean & Deluca.


Thanks so much for stopping by for a visit. Please say hello while you are here. It would be so wonderful to meet you.