
Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Wowie, Zowie! I've never been a favorite before. This is my first time! Thank you to Tina from The Artful Life for naming me one of her favorite blogs. I'm truly amazed. Now, let's see if I can follow directions: First, add the logo. . .

Got it.
Second, link to The Artful Life. Did that, hopefully it works.
Third: nominate at least 7 other blogs. Uh Oh. That's hard.

1. Romantic Home

2. Homespun Living

3. Snippet and Ink

4. The Inspired Room

5. Raised In Cotton

6. Simple Sparrow

7. the adventures of bluegirlxo

8. The Yarn Harlot
These are a range of blogs on decor, crafts, weddings and knitting. Enjoy.

Thank you to two nice ladies who helped me get these links right!!!!! YEAH!


  1. WOW, congrats to you and THANK YOU for including me in your list of recipients! I'm honored, thank you.

    To answer your question, to make it a link with just the blog name you can just type in the blog name, highlight it, click on the "link" button (not sure what it looks like on blogger) and type in the address. Hopefully that makes some sense.

    Happy day to you,

  2. Hi Karen!
    Congrats on your win!
    We have a cat but no dog. But we take care of our neighbors when they are gone... which is quite a bit!
    About the links~
    When you write your post there should be a green ball above the box that you type in. I type in the window that does NOT show the pictures as you type!
    *highlite the word(s) that you want people to click on for the link.
    * in a new tab on your window,go to the site that you want others to link to.
    * highlite the the entire URL, copy and it (from the "edit" bar)
    * go back to your post tab and click the green button (remember, your word(s) for us to click for the link is highlighted.
    * NOW, when you click the green ball, a window appears with "http://" highlighted. you can delete this because you already copied the entire Url from the web-site.
    * now go to "edit"bar and click "Paste"
    This should compl;ete the link and close this window, leaving you looking at your post that you are making! :)
    Any problems let me know... I do sometimes have the green ball that is not always working correctly.
    With Kindness,

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I didn't know about highlighting the name and then hitting the link button. All I was doing was hitting the link and typing in the url. I knew it was something simple!!!!

  4. You did it!!!
    you are a favorite of mine. I enjoy reading your posts and seeing your pics. They inspire me to create with good taste in mind.
    Have an awesome day

  5. Wow, Karen, thanks for introducing me to your winners. I will love visiting their blogs and getting great ideas.

  6. Wow! Congratulations! See I told you my daughter does an excellent blog. AND, your writer, editor, designer Dad thinks so too. Keep up the good work - we'll be watching.

    Your Mom


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