
Monday, August 11, 2008


I have a lot of collections, none of them are large. My husband was playing with our new camera and took this picture. It doesn't really show all of my frogs, plus some are in other locations. But, here are several of my flower frogs in a big wooden bowl on my kitchen table. As you can see there are other little things in here too. The little lady is keeping watch to make sure all the frogs are behaving. This is another small collection of vintage bottles that I love. These windows are the perfect display space for them. I have 3 southern exposure windows like this. Therefore, I need more bottles don't you think? Maybe even a little glass shelf for them to sit on. But, this is earthquake country, so maybe not.


  1. The frogs are a neat collectable. never thought about those before.
    And I too have a bottle collection
    Love them and glass containers too.

  2. Tina, I also have a small collection of hose nozzles and sprinklers. My husband just shakes his head.


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